Cloudburst, heat fused spent contact lens pods, 2009-2013. NCAD degree show, Central Bank, DeAppendix waiting room

Nobody’s Home, Matchsticks, toothpicks, card, glue, acrylic paint, 2013 Tallaght Hospital, Talbot Gallery, DeAppendix Doctor Ciara McMahon’s waiting room

Arrested Development, oil on paper pop-up book, 36x68cm 2012. Pop-up estate, Not a Cloud in the sky, trial with property pages

Law, Magnetised Sculpture, Neodimium block magnets, planting baskets, metal mesh and everything magnetic, Diameter 80cm Trial at NCAD 2009, Degree Show, Close-up

Carbon Copy C.C., triplicate book pages, staples, neodymium magnets, All Things Equal, paintbrushes, glue, oilpaint, neodymium magnets. Master Show, NCAD 2011